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Managing Menopause

What is menopause and perimenopause?

During menopause, ovulation no longer occurs and production of oestrogen and progesterone ceases. Your periods are coming to an end, which also marks the end of your reproductive phase Menopause generally occurs in women in their late 40s or 50s. Perimenopause refers to the time about 3-4 years before this where natural hormone changes start to occur and the ovaries gradually produce less oestrogen.

What are the symptoms?

Unichem and Life Pharmacists are trained to talk you through easing the symptoms of menopause, which could be anything from hot flushes to irregular periods, body aches and dry skin. Symptoms may also be psychological, including anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Remember, no two women are the same, and symptoms may vary between each individual.

How long does menopause last?

Every woman will experience menopause and its side effects differently, but on average, menopause lasts between 2 to 5 years.

Managing perimenopause and menopause symptoms

You can’t stop or prevent menopause, but you can manage its symptoms. Options will depend on the individual, but here’s a few helpful tips:

  • Dealing with emotions-gone-haywire can be tricky. You may be anxious, irritable and moody due to changes in oestrogen influencing our serotonin (the happy hormone) levels. Take up a relaxing balancing activity such as yoga or have a go at meditation.

  • To combat night sweats, keep your bedroom cool and avoid potential hot-flush triggers such as spicy food, caffeine, cigarettes or alcohol.

  • Regular weight bearing exercises help to support bone density, which starts to deplete in menopause. More active exercise like cycling, aerobics or walking can help reduce stress and increase those “feel good” hormones. Try not to over train as this can stress the body and lead to temperature fluctuations.

  • Love your liver - The liver is involved in the processing and distribution of hormones into the blood stream where they act as chemical messengers to the body’s tissues and organs. Secondly it removes excess hormones from the blood stream and sends them off to be eliminated from the body. However, if the liver is over- burdened with its main job of detoxifying the body, it may not do this very well and this can lead to menopausal symptoms. Support your liver by reducing toxins such as alcohol, smoking and junk food. Make sure you drink plenty of water to flush away toxins and increase your brightly coloured fresh fruit and vegetables with are rich in antioxidants.

Once you’ve consulted your GP or healthcare professional, chat to one of our pharmacists about a complementary menopause plan that’s right for you.

You can also visit us in-store to measure your blood pressure, which can often rise during and after menopause

Have more questions? Come in and see one of our pharmacists to find the best option for your symptoms.


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